Perks of Sailing Solo: Auroville Edition

As much as I was exploring the true essence of an extraordinarily unique place, I was getting familiar with an unexplored side of myself as well. I was going to miss the whole feeling! I could never truly explore one place like this ever before. It was a lot of work getting myself out of the room on the first day to explore on my own because I was more used to overthinking about it before cancelling every time I were to do something all by myself. The feeling of successfully ignoring my inhibitions was absolute gold and the thriving accomplishments and discoveries kept me going from there! With almost all my close friends moving abroad, it was a much-needed self-mastery attained during my journey within!

Girl Goes Solo – Tour of A Lot of Firsts

Being an enthusiastic traveller by heart, I never quite understood the underlying dissatisfaction I had been bombarded with after almost every trip. I had always returned super annoyed from just about all my expeditions. Growing up, I thought it must be my parents’ weird ways of planning trips. After every study tour organised by my […]

A Day of Compassion

Compassion means to tread gently on the earth, be the one to bring smiles to others’ faces, consider all the ways one can positively impact nature, make recycling a part of life, eat healthily, cruelty-free and environmentally friendly meals, make an effort to help those in need, always look to make a difference and send […]

Peace 2023 Thoughtwave Rising

With all the negativity being unleashed around the world, we need to calm down and focus on the positives. Can you sense the ripples of positive change slowly making their way in? As we pick a day to join the wave of change and shift to only make it a thousand times stronger, we invite everyone to join us in meditation all around the world.


Middle aged escapists and pessimists sitting in important power positions hasn’t served the planet at all. Ageism against young minds needs to go and whoever possesses the dedication and foresight needed to be in the committee should make it. This governing body should enjoy the ultimate control over letting products enter marketplaces and allowing industries to mass manufacture goods commercially.